
Advocate Comes Out of Wilderness at Last and Plans to Revive Famous "Coffee Nights" in New Home on Mt. Auburn

The wanderings of the Advocate have come to an end. The worn and battered sign that has graced its doors since the Grant administration is securely hung for at least three years to come. The offices of the paper year before last settled on Holyoke Street only to be moved last year to Dunster Street. Neither of these arrangements proved satisfactory and therefore the editorial desk and the battered sign and the picture of Grant have been moved again.

The new quarters at 69 1-2 Mt. Auburn Street bid fair to become permanent. The Advocate has received a three year lease on half of the building and has sublet the second floor to the Dramatic Club. The present plan is to fit out the first floor into a set of offices and--joy of all the editors--a Sanctum. For the last three years the offices of the Advocate have been such as to preclude this chief glory of the ancient magazine. This year, however, old customs will be revived.

With the advent of a real sanctum will return the famous coffee parties of the '60's. These festal evenings have been almost forgotten around Cambridge. One was attempted last year, one in 1920, but the days of the genuine coffee parties seemed forever past. This year, however, will see them again in full swing. As heretofore there will be the distinguished guest of honor, the favored few who receive invitations, the speeches, and the applause into the small hours of the morning.
