Approximately 200 athletes from all parts of the east will compete in the open handicap meet under the auspices of the H. A. A. in the Stadium tomorrow afternoon beginning at 3 o'clock. There is a powerful field in every event and some very keen contests will undoubtedly be staged. The popular prices for admission, 50 cents and one dollar, will be maintained, and a large gallery will probably turn out to see the many stars who will compete.
The center of interest tomorrow will probably be the special mile race in which Joie Ray, the national champion, will attempt to break the existing record of 4 minutes 12 3-5 seconds. Because of the fear that, if a new mark were established in a large and spread-out field, the stigma of a paced race might be attached to it, arrangements have been made to run an extra mile distance, and limit Ray's opposition to four runners, Kennedy of Yonkers with a 35-yard handicap, Mahoney of the B. A. A. with 90 yards, J. N. Watters '26 with 100 yards, and W. L. Chapin Jr. '25 with 160 yards.
Yesterday afternoon Ray worked out again on the Stadium track, running a fast quarter mile with Captain Burke, Merrill, and Gordon of the University squad. He declared that he is weighing 125 pounds and for the last two weeks has been conscientiously training for a big effort in his record breaking attempt tomorrow.
Another point of great interest will be the performance of Captain Brown of Dartmouth in the high jump. The Green athlete has been intercollegiate champion for two years and is the holder of the I. C. A. A. A. A. record with a mark of 6 feet 4 5-8 inches made in the Stadium a year ago. Brown will however be forced to the limit by Murphy of Newark, N. J., who has cleared 6 ft. 5 inches on several occasions.
In the 100-yard dash the scratch men will be E. O. Gourdin '21, who will represent the Dorchester Club, Murchison of the Newark A. C., and Waterman of the B. A. A. Both of the best Crimson entrants, Vinton Chapin and Howard will have an advantage of 1 1-2 yards at the start. Waterman and Murchison will both be at scratch again in the 220-yard distance. Merrill, Howard, Champin, and Allen will all start with a lead of 3 yards.
Captain Allen of the Freshman team, Dudley of the B. A. A., and Captain Burke, if the starts, will all get off together in the 440-yard run, with Kane, the next nearest Crimson runner five yards ahead. In the 880-yard distance Allen, Burke, and Watters will be the University men on the scratch line, and beside them will start Kirley of the B. A. A. In the extra mile event Cutcheon and Kirley of the B. A. A. will probably be the nearest runenrs to the starting line. In the two-mile race the scratch men will be Lund and Watters. Dalrymple and Herrigan of the Derchester Club, and Fleming of the B. A. A.
In both the hurdle contests, Christianson of the Newark A. C. will be the only scratch starter. In the highs Hauers will have an advantage of two yards, and Fletcher for the Crimson and Sullivan of the B. A. A. 3 yard while in the lows Hauers and sullivan are scheduled to start with a three yard lead, Fletcher Crimson nine smashed out 19 hits for a 19 to 7 victory over Cushing Academy. The second reverse of the season, it suffered at the hands of Williston, the final score being 6 to 3. Recovering from its momentary slump, however, the nine overwhelmed the High School of Commerce and Worcester. The Dean and Exeter contests were postponed on account of rain. On May 16, the Crimson pulled from behind, registering a 4 to 3 victory over the Holy Cross Freshmen in an exciting 14 inning game, the final run being scored by Allen on McGlone's single.
A second inning rally that brought in five runs gave the Princeton Freshmen an early lead which the Crimson was never able to threaten. Although the Tigers were outfielded, weakness at the bat handicapped the University, which finally succumbed by the score of 7 to 3.
The Dartmouth Freshmen, Andover, and Westbrook all fell by narrow margins.
On June 2, the Freshmen faced Yale with an even chance to win. The Blue took an early lead, however, which it steadily maintained throughout the contest. As if the 6 to 2 margin was not enough to satisfy the visitors, in the first of the sixth, they slugged the ball to all corners of the diamond and crossed the plate for nine runs before the inning dragged to a close
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