

The Universal disappointment that was felt when Mr. Frederick L. Allen some weeks ago announced his resignation as Secretary to the Corporation, is sure to be modified by the announcement of the appointment of his successor. M. J. W. D. Seymour '17 is assuming next year a position of great responsibility in interpreting the life and work of the University to the outside world, but it is a position for which he is eminently qualified.

It has always been Harvard's boast that extensive proselyting and propaganda is foreign to the spirit and traditions of the University, but at times this spirit has been pushed to the point of abnormal indifference toward all outside impressions and publicity. In his dual capacity as Secretary for Information and Secretary for Alumni Affairs, Mr. Seymour has an exceptional opportunity to cooperate with the Alumni Association and the various Harvard Clubs of the country in counteracting this indifference and in carrying on the work of same publicity. His appointment establishes a further link between the University and the Alumni in the joint cause of interpreting Harvard to the country.
