The Gamma chapter of the Tau Beta Pi fraternity, an honorary engineering society corresponding to the Phi Beta Kappa in colleges of liberal arts was established and chartered at the Engineering School last night. For over a year the School has been petitioning for a charter. It is the third chapter to be founded in Massachusetts, the Alpha chapter being at the Worcester Polytechnical School and the Beta chapter at Technology. The Fraternity which has headquarters in Knoxville, Tenn., is especially strong in the Middle West.
The charter members of the Engineering School chapter, elected on a basis of their grades as furnished by the Administrative Board of the School, are: Albert Palmer 5E.S., G. G. Tunell Jr. 1G., M. S. Bromwell 4E.S., L. B. Curtis 4E.S., Lawrence Litchfield Jr. 4E.S., W. J. Mean 4E.S., E. P. Nelson 4E.S., J. G. Peter 4E.S., Morris Stone 4E.S., G. W. Tower 4E.S., Charles Weller 4E.S., E. F. Porter 3E.S., W. G. Thomas 3E.S., and W. T. Wintringham 3E.S.
The next elections to the society will take place in the fall when a maximum of six Juniors and seven Seniors will be elected. Should there not be a sufficient number from each class to justify taking this number, only a proportionate number from each group will be chosen.
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