

Will Hold Annual Literary Exercises at 11.30 Today

The members and guests of the University chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society will assemble at its annual meeting in Sanders Theatre at 11.30 o'clock this morning, when the customary literary exercises will be held.

The President of the Society, Judge Robert Grant '73, will be the presiding officer and will introduce Mr. E. F. Gay, Law '18, who is to give the principal oration. Mr. Christopher Morley has been selected this year as the poet of the occasion, and Bishop C. L. Slattery '91 as the chaplain.

At 10 o'clock this morning the University chapter will hold a business meeting in Emerson D, at which two amendments to the local constitution will be passed upon. The first of these proposed changes relates to the number of men to be taken in at the final elections on the basis of their degrees with distinction. The second question to be decided is whether a man who completes his college course in three years should be considered for the Senior elections of his third year and also of the following year.

At the conclusion of the exercises in Sanders Theatre the members and guests will form a procession and march to the Union, where the Society will dine at 1 o'clock.
