


In the third of the annual Massachusetts High School championship track meets which will be held in the Stadium at 2 o'clock this afternoon, the strong Medford High School team is picked as a likely winner of the State championship. In the first contests Medford took a close meet from Commerce High by a 1 1-4 point margin, while last year it was defeated for the title by Newton High, which gathered 35 1-2 points to 35 for Medford.

The H. A. A., under whose auspices the meets are held, has offered a cup which is held each year by the champion, and will become the permanent possession of that school which first wins five legs on the trophy. In addition to this prize, the H. A. A. will also award individual medals to the men who win the first four places in each event. Before the contests, all of the competitors and coaches will be guests of the Athletic Association at a luncheon which will be served in the Stadium.

Many Individual Stars

Three of the Medford squad stand out among the brilliant individuals who will compete today. Kelley in the 440-yard run, Moore in the broad jump, and Moody in the high jump should all contribute heavily to their team's point score. Among the other prominent performers will probably be Banchman and Dicks of Newton; McKillop of Boston English; Daley of Brookline; Rumpff of Commerce; Clark of Hyde Park; and Beach of Fitchburg.

The meet, in which more than 325 athletes from approximately 35 schools will compete, will be contested in two classes, the first being composed of nine of the larger schools and the second consisting of about 25 of the smaller or more distant institutions. The events in today's meet are as follows: 100-yard and 220-yard dashes, quarter and half-mile runs, 120-yard hurdles, shot put, high and broad jumps, and eight relay races with three teams in each race.
