Verner Warren Clapp 2G., whose disappearance on Thursday, May 17, was the cause of a state-wide search to ascertain his whereabouts, is now at his home in Dover, N. R., according to information received from his cousin last night.
After being at large for nearly a month, during which time he was traced successively to Framingham, Worecster, and other cities. Clapp returned on Thursday to his lodgings at 81 Oxford, St., Cambridge, apparently in full possession of his faculties.
When questioned on the subject of his experiences, he professed entire ignorance of all that had occurred, saying that the last event of which he had any recollection was being in the water. In the light of subsequent developments it seems fairly certain that the time referred to was on the night of his disappearance when he swam up the Charles river from Weld boathouse after leaving his clothes on the float. Physicians are of the opinion that Clapp had been suffering from amnesia, a disease which affects the brain in such a way as to render the memory a total blank, and this explanation seems sufficient to account for the irregularity of his movements thereafter.
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