Red Top, Conn., June 15,--It was definitely decided today that C. J. Hubbard Jr. '24, formerly number 5 on the University crew and letter-man in 1922, who was forced out of the line-up last Tuesday by a bad cut on his wrist, will not take part in the race with Yale on June 22.
The reason for this action was not that Hubbard would be physically unfit for the four-mile test, for the doctors' have expressed themselves as optimistic over the healing of his wrist. It is felt, however, that it is now too late to make any change, and that it will be for the interest of the crew to continue rowing in the same order as was announced after Hubbard's injury. The combination, with A. L. Hobson '24 in at 5, is working very smoothly and Coach Muller with-the Yale contest only one week off, is against making any shift that might upset the present smoothness of the boat.
The line-up of the second eight has been changed slightly to fit the new conditions, and the crews are now seated as follows:
University A,--Bow, S. B. Kelley '25; 2, E. S. Matthews '23; 3, C. H. Hollister Jr. '24; 4, N. C. Webb '23; 6, A. L. Hobson '24; 6, A. H. Ladd Jr. '23; 7, B. McK. Henry '24; stroke, G. S. Mumford '25; cox., S. C. Badger '23.
University B,--Bow, B. F. Rice-Bassett '25; C. K. Cummings '23; 3, R. F. Bradford '23; 4, J. D. Jameson '24; 5, G. R. Johnson '25; 6, H. S. Morgan '23; 7, Francis Fiske, '23; stroke, S. N. Brown '24; cox., B. H. Burnham '24.
Fuller May Row on Seconds
These orders are now regarded as final, except for the possibility of H.H. Fuller '23 going in at number 7 on the junior crew. Fuller rowed in that position on the seconds last year, and is likely to supplant Fiske. In this case, Cummings, who was originally assigned to the combination eight, will probably return to his old position there.
Practice today was featured by a Freshman time-trial over the two-mile course down-stream. The time of 9 minutes 43 seconds is exceptionally good for the distance, and gives promise of a strong Crimson bid for victory over the speedy Eli 1926 boat.
There will probably be another time-trial for the University crew tomorrow, which should furnish a more authoritative basis for comparison with Yale than has been available to date.
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