Red Top, Conn., June 14.--Somewhat of an innovation in rowing instruction was introduced by Coach Muller here today when he and John Kelley, champion sculler, took over the positions of stroke and 7 in the Junior eight while the members of University A looked on from the coaching launch. Kelley, an old pupil of Coach Muller, who was entered with Costello in the Henley double scull event at Philadelphia, arrived at Red Top this morning and has been helping with the work of the various crews.
As far as actual rowing was concerned, the schedule today took much the usual form. All crews went down to the Submarine base in the morning, while in the afternoon Coach Muller paired with Kelley in a double scull in which they accompanied the shells down river.
H. H. Fuller Jr. '23 arrived late last night and took the position of number 7 in the combination eight, a place made vacant by virtue of Cummings' promotion to the junior shell.
Hubbard's wrist continues to improve and he should be ready to row again by the middle of next week.
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