

Four University and Two Visiting Moundsmen Fall Victims to Rain of Hits--Owen Pitches Three Innings

Playing somewhat erratically the Dartmouth baseball team triumphed over the University nine by a 17 to 15 score yesterday in a game marked by prolonged batting rallies and loose fielding.

The game started well for the University when Jenkins hit brought in Clark for the opening run. Owen coming up next crashed out a screaming drive to left field that landed far behind Dagostino who thought he was playing deep enough. What should have been an easy home run was spoiled, however, when Owen skidded and fell after rounding third, By the time he was under way again the catcher had the ball.

At the beginning of the fifth the visitors were ahead 6 to 3. Here every thing happened at once and when the dust settled at the end of the inning, nine hits, a base on balls, and five stolen bases had netted nine runs for the visitors.

With the score 15 to 3 in the last of the sixth the Crimson batters at last managed to get under way. A single, two doubles, a home run by Clark and two errors by Shapleigh, the Green shortstop, brought the score up to 15 to 9. Dartmouth and the University both brought in two more runs in the seventh. In the eighth the Crimson batters got their second Indian scalp by retiring Dunleavy who had replaced Lyon at the beginning of the inning, and scored another four runs. In the ninth, however, after the visitors had been retired on a fly to catcher and a double play, the game came weakly to a close. Burgess struck out; Clark flied out to center field, and Lucas, batting for Gordon, grounded to first. Harvard   a.b.  r.  b.h.  p.o.  a.  e. Clark, c.f.  6  3  4  2  0  0 Gordon, l.f.  3  0  1  0  0  1 Jenkins, s.s.  2  1  0  1  4  0 F. S. Hill, s.s.  1  1  0  2  0  0 Owen,. 1b., p.  5  1  3  9  1  0 Buell, 3b  4  3  2  1  3  0 Hammond, 2b.  4  2  0  2  4  1 Thayer, r.f.  4  1  1  0  0  0 *K. N. Hill, r.f.  1  0  1  0  0  0 Keegan, c.  4  2  1  7  5  0 Bemis, p.  0  1  0  0  0  0 Herrmann, p.  0  0  0  1  0  0 Cordingley, p.  0  0  0  0  0  0 Young. p.  0  0  0  0  0  0 Norris, 1b  2  0  0  2  0  0 Doherty  1  0  0  0  0  0 $Lucas  1  0  0  0  0  0 &Burgess  1  0  0  0  0  0 Total.  39  15  13  27  17  2 Dartmouth   a.b.  r.  b.h.  p.o.  a.  e. Dagostino, l.f.  5  1  1  3  1  0 Caswell, r.f.,  4  1  1  2  0  0 Thurston, 2b.  3  2  1  3  3  0 Harris, 1b.  6  2  2  8  0  0 Rjorkman, c.f.  4  5  3  2  1  0 Smith, 3b.  4  3  4  3  1  1 Heep, c.  5  1  1  5  2  0 Shapleigh, s.s.  4  1  3  1  8  2 Lyon, p.  4  1  1  0  3  0 Dunleavy, p.  0  0  0  0  0  0 Barker, p.  0  0  0  0  0  0 Total.  39  17  17  27  14  8

Innings  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 Harvard  2  1  0  0  0  6  2  4  0--15 Dartmouth.  0  2  4  0  9  0  2  0  0--17

*Batted for Thayer in sixth.


!Batted for Cordingly in fifth.

$Batted for Gordon in ninth.

&Batted for Young in ninth.
