

Veteran Oarsman Who Suffered Accident on Tuesday Much Improved and Should Row Again in Few Days

Red Top, Conn., June 13. The first formal time-trial for the Crimson crews was held today when University A and B were sent over the full four-mile course.

Conditions were ideal when the two shells lined up at the railroad bridge at 7.15 o'clock after being brought down stream lvy the launches. A slight following tide was behind the crews while the lack of wind obviated any trouble in this direction. Starting out on practically even terms the rival eights reached the mid-way mark with little to choose between them. At this point the Freshman and Combination crews took up the challenge and all four went on up the course together.

Although rowing a slightly lower stroke than the seconds over the first three miles, University A raised the beat on the home stretch and managed to pull out a lead of half a length at the finish. No time was given out. Although the dates have not yet been fixed, Coach Muller expects to give his men at least one more four-mile test before June 22.

C. J. Hubbard Jr. '24, who cut his wrist badly yesterday, is much better today and the doctors expect that he will be ready to row again in a couple of days.
