In the small hours before dawn on last Saturday morning the government of Bulgaria, quietly and without bloodshed, changed hands. The former Agrarian Ministry which had retired comfortably to bed on Friday night found itself lodged in jail by four of the next morning. Although Sofia is safely delivered over to the revolutionists Stanboulisky, the deposed premier, is still at large and has Fortified himself in Slavitsa. But the Agrarian party has been taken at a disadvantage. Aside from Stanboulisky, what capable leaders it has are either imprisoned or out of the country in diplomatic service, while its great rank and file of peasants are now busily engaged with crops. Therefore the revolutionists expect for a space to enjoy comparative peace.
The revolutionists represent no particular party. Roughly they might be specified as the Urbanites. Ostensibly they are the intellectuals of Bulgaria who have rallied to the standard of Professor Zankoff in Sofia, now their premier. But the most strident, if not the most numerous, ingredient of this conglomerate mass is the old pro-German, anti-Serbian group. And in this group lie germs of further Balkan troubles. The states which have hitherto been able to keep on good terms with Agrarian Bulgaria, and especially Serbia, will not look with pleasure on the advent of another party of such different standards; and it has been well proved in the past that Western Europe is all too easily disturbed by the ructions of Eastern Europe.
This new party, however, is not founded on a rock and in the natural course of events may be expected to fall from power. Bulgaria is an agricultural country and therefore by far the stronger party will always be that which is supported by the peasants. Stanboulisky and his Agrarians succeeded in keeping the peace within the country and without and it will be but a question of time before they again hold the rein. In the interim Europe can only hope that nothing will occur of such violence as to upset the precarious balance of the Balkan Peninsula.
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