

Third Annual Championship Under H. A. A. Auspices to Be Contested--More Than Thirty-Five Schools Represented

Tomorrow afternoon beginning at 2 o'clock, the third annual Massachusetts High School championship track and field meet will be held in the Stadium under the auspices of the H. A. A. In all, about 35 schools will be represented in the contests, and approximately 325 men will take part.

The schools which will compete tomorrow have been divided into two groups, Class A and Class B. Nine of the larger high schools, Boston English and Latin, Brookline, Brockton, Lynn Classical and English, Medford, Newton, and Rindge, compose the former group, while under the second classification about 26 of the smaller or more distant schools have been placed.

The program of tomorrow's contests will include three field events, the shot put, high jump, and broad jump; five regular track events, the 120-yard and 220-yard dashes, the quarter and half mile runs, and the low hurdles; and eight relay races, five of which will be for teams in the second class and three for representatives of the Class A schools. The winners in each class will be selected on the basis of the time records turned in.

To the winners of the first four places in each event and to the first two relay teams in each class, the H. A. A. will award medals. It will also entertain the contestants beore the meet at a luncheon which will be served in the Stadium.
