A shift in the boating of the two University crews, announced yesterday by Coach Muller, involves the promotion of three men from Crew B to berths in the first eight and a corresponding change of three men from the University to the Junior shell.
E. S. Matthews '23, former captain and stroke of the seconds, is now rowing number 2 on the first, C. H. Hollister Jr. '24 is in at number 3, the same seat he had formerly on the Junior crew, while C. J. Hubbard '24 has changed seats with H. H. Fuller '23. J. R. Hoover, '24 is temporarily at 2 in the second crew, taking the place of N. C. Webb '23 who is out on account of illness. Webb is expected to return to the squad next Monday.
The new combination is not definite, but will form the basis upon which Coach Muller expects to work during the next few days. If it proves satisfactory, there is every prospect that this line-up will be the one to face Cornell on May 26.
The new seating is as follows:--
University A.--Bow, S. B. Kelley '25; 2, E. S. Matthews '23; 3, C. H. Hollister Jr. '24; 4, H. S. Morgan '23; 5, C. J. Hubbard '24; 6, A. H. Ladd Jr. '23; 7, B. McK. Henry '24; stroke, S. N. Brown '24; cox., S. C. Badger '23.
University B.--Bow, G. R. Johnson '25; 2, J. R. Hoover '24; 3, Francis Fiske '23; 4, J. D. Jameson '24; 5, H. H. Fuller 23; 6, C. K. Cummings '23; 7, R. C. Storey '24; stroke, B. F. Rice-Bassett '25; cox., B. H. Burnham '24.
Sophomore crew A scored a clean-cut victory from the Senior eight and four other class crews yesterday afternoon over the mile and seven-eighths course on the Basin. Capturing an early lead, the 1925 oarsmen finished with a length of open water over the Seniors, who led Sophomore B by a scant half length. Sophomore C, crew X, and the Junior class eight finished in the order named.
A meeting of all men competing in the Invitation regatta will be held this evening at 7.15 o'clock at the Varsity Club. Drawings for boats will be held at the end of the meeting. The speakers will be Edward Wachter, sculling coach, who will outline the plans for the regatta; and Dr. R. H. Howe Jr. '01. Director of Rowing.
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