In the races yesterday for the Garcelon hurdle trophies, Hauers captured the 120-yard event over the high timbers, while Thayer took first place in the 220-yard low hurdles. This is the third time that Hauers has won one of the Garcelon trophies, while it is Thayer's second winning performance in one of these contests. In the 120-yard distance Hauers led Thomas and J. L. Combs to the tape, and in the low hurdles, Kane and J. L. Combs trailed Thayer. There will be four more pairs of races during the spring for the remaining eight minlature bronze hurdles which Mr. W. F. Garcelon, Law '95, has donated as rewards for excellence in hurdling.
As a result of the field events in the Freshman interdormitory meet which were held yesterday, Smith is leading Standish and Gore by accumulating 36 1-3 points to 13 and 11 2-3, respectively, for its opponents. No track events were run off yesterday because Coach Martin wished the men, practically all of whom will compete in the Yale Freshman meet in the Stadium Saturday, not to race. The remaining contests of the meet will be held some time next week, probably on Wednesday. An opportunity will be given until then for Freshmen to sign up for the races in blue books in the dormitories and in the Locker Building.
The summary of the field events follows:
Running High Jump.--Won by S. B. Jones (Sm) (5 feet 7 inches); second, Charles Jenney Jr. (G) (5 feet 5 inches); tie for third between J. H. Durgin (Sm), R. F. Hunt (G), and W. D. Mogey (G) (5 feet 3 inches).
Running Broad Jump.--Won by Donald Spencer (Sm) (20 feet 4 inches); second, J. B. Vernaglia (Sm) (18 feet 8 1-2 inches); third, W. S. T. Miller (G) (18 feet 4 1-2 inches).
Pole Vault.--Won by L. O. Combs (G) (9 feet 10 inches); second, D. V. Sessions (St) (9 feet 6 inches).
Hammer Throw.--Won by P. E. Berglund (St) (101 feet); second, A. E. Bailey (St) (84 feet 6 inches); third, Edmund Burke (St) (73 feet).
Shotput.--Won by J. M. Potter (Sm) (34 feet 1 1-2 inches); second, M. A. Cheek Jr. (Sm) (33 feet 9 inches); third. A. E. Bailey (St) (30 feet 1-2 inch).
Javelin Throw.--Tie for first between M. A. Cheek Jr. (Sm) and F. W. Dorman (Sm) (141 feet 8 8-4 inches); third, J. M. Potter (Sm) (131 feet 2 1-4 inches).
Discus Throw.--Won by M. A. Cheek Jr. (Sm) (100 feet 4 inches); second, A. L. Phaneuf (G) (92 feet 6 inches); third. J. M. Potter (Sm) (90 feet 10 inches).
It was announced yesterday by the Freshman track management that any members of the class of 1926 or of the track squad, who wish to sit in the reserved section for the Yale meet on Saturday may exchange, at the H. A. A. or at James Smith C-31, the slip in their H. A. A. season ticket for the special card which is necessary for admittance to the restricted area in the Stadium for the meet. Men who do not hold season tickets may purchase the special entrance forms at these places for 50 cents each
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