

University Team Defeats Boston Lacrosse Club 6 to 4 in Final Game

The University lacrosse team won its second victory of the season Saturday afternoon on Soldiers Field when it defeated the Boston Lacrosse Club by the score of 6-4. Saturday's victory was the third game with the Lacrosse Club this season, giving the series to the University by two games to one.

The Crimson team showed much better passing and a general improvement over the early season games. Lomax led in scoring with three goals while Norris played a strong defensive game.

The line-up is as follows: HARVARD  BOSTON L. C. Curtis, g.  g., Lincoln Rouillard, p.  p., Barstow I Black, c.p.  c.p.,Masters Daggett, 1d.  1d., Alexander Norton, Griffin, 2d.  2d., Calton Tobin, 3d.  3d., Vanter Welsh, Snedeker, c.  c.,Foristall Norris, 3a.  3a., Westman Thomas, 2a.  2a., Nightingale Martin, 1a.  1a., Beatley Watson, o.f.  c.f., Gustafson Young, i.f.  l.f., Abbe
