

Automatically Becomes Chairman of Undergraduate Committee and Member of Governing Board

Corliss Lamont '24 of Englewood, N. J., was elected Vice-President of the Union yesterday by the decisive majority of 206 votes. Out of a total of 428 votes cast 16 less than in last year's election, Lamont received 281, R. C. Storey Jr. '24 76 and H. A. LaFarge '24, 72.

Lamont a graduate of Exeter, was football manager and class secretary in his Freshman year and has served on the Undergraduate Committee of the Union for the past two years.

As Vice President of the Union he becomes exofficio, a member of the Governing Board, and chairman of the Undergraduate Committee, he will consider all recommendations and complaints received from students in the University concerning the management of the Union. It will be his duty to preside at Union meetings and dinners, and to introduce the speakers at the regular Union lectures.

In addition to Lamont, the members of the committee, who were elected on April 12 as a result of a postal ballot, are J. G. Cushman '25, C. M. Hastings '25. R. G. Allen '26, and N. S. Howe '26. This group, along with the Governing Board of the Union, which is headed by Mr. George Wigglesworth '74, controls the various activities and in particular brines these into harmony with the desires and opinions of the student body. One of the committee's most important functions is the reception and entertainment of visiting athletic teams.
