KANSAS CITY, May 26.--The annual meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs closed successfully today with a parade through the city, a field day at the Kansas City. Country Club and the annual banquet. Two hundred graduates, equipped with enormous straw sombreros and crimson bandanas, paraded through the business section in the morning to the strains of Harvard marches, exchanged cheers with assembled members of the Kansas City, Princeton and Yale Clubs and then took automobiles to the Country Club, where they played baseball and golf, watched a polo game and enjoyed a big barbecue.
A novel feature of this year's meeting was the broadcasting by radio from the offices of "The Kansas City Star" of speeches by President Lowell, President Marvin of the Associated Harvard Clubs, Mr. William C. Boyden '86 of Chicago, and Professor Arthur S. Dewing '02 of the Business School. Among telegrams of good wishes from Harvard graduates, all over the world were messages from Ambassador A. B. Houghton '86, representing the Harvard Club of Germany, and Ambassador R. W. Child '03, representing the Harvard Club of Rome. A telegram of greeting was sent to President Eliot, who sent regrets at being unable to attend.
Resolutions asking the authorities of the University to consider the need of more dormitories for graduate and professional school students were unanimously adopted. President Lowell spoke in favor of the resolutions which were framed in accordance with the report of a committee of graduates headed by Mr. Malcolm Donald '99 of Boston.
By another unanimous vote the Associated Harvard Clubs authorized their incoming president, Mr. Charles T. Greve '84, of Cincinnati, to appoint a committee to assist the Harvard Club of France in establishing a new scholarship for the next five years to send French students annually from the University of Paris to Harvard.
Mr. W. L. W. Field '98, headmaster of Milton Academy, was chosen vice-president of the Associated Harvard Clubs, representing the New England District.
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