

Spalding to Be Held in Reserve--Batting Order Changed as Clark and Jenkins Are Able to Get Back in Line-Up

HARVARD  PRINCETON Clark, c.f.  3b., Boohecker, Fleming Gordon, l.f.  r.f., Gorman Jenkins, s.s.  p., Carney Owen, 1b.  c.f., Smith Hammond, 2b.  c., Jefferies Buell, 3b.  l.f., Emver Burgess, r.f.  2b., Cooper Larrabee, c.  s.s., Berg Herrmann, p.  1b., Cook

Yesterday afternoon, the University baseball team left for Princeton, where it will try today to retrieve the defeat it suffered last Saturday. The return of Clark and Jenkins to the line-up has enabled Coach Slattery to move Hammond and Buell down in the batting-order, thus distributing the hitting strength better. The Crimson's chief difficulty in recent games has been the weakness of the tail-enders on the list.

Herrmann, having shown his power in the Williams contest on Tuesday by holding his opponents to six hits, will start on the mound for the University, while Spalding, who has been given a complete rest this week, will be held in reserve as a relief pitcher.

Since the game last Saturday, Princeton has met and defeated Syracuse by the Score of 9 to 6. Caldwell, in the box for the Tigers, allowed the visitors nine hits, winning his own game by smashing out a home run. The tam will probably be further strengthened by the return of Stinson to his position behind the bat, in which case Captain Jefferies will be moved to first. Boohecker was given a rest last Wednesday, his position at third being filled by Fleming. The latter showed up so well that there is a chance of his starting against the University today.

Carney will probably face the Crimson on the mound for the second time.


In last Saturday's game Princeton showed decidedly her superior batting power, which in some measure in borne out by the seasons record.

The comparative batting averages to date for the two teams are as follows: Harvard Clark,  .312 Gordon,  .399 Jenkins,  .418 Owen,  .317 Hammond,  .215 Buell,  .274 Burgess,  .150 Larrabee,  .178 Herrmann,  .272 Average  .282 Princeton Boohecker,  .346 Gorman,  .209 Carney,  .474 Smith,  .324 Jefferies,  .276 Emver,  .323 Cooper,  .305 Berg,  .318 Cook,  .320 Average,  .321
