Men in danger of discipline as a result of low grades received in the final examinations this June will for the first time have a chance to present their cases to the Administrative Board before any action is taken, according to an announcement made yesterday by the College Office. This is a new departure this year; hitherto men have been placed on probation or dismissed during the summer in accordance with the fixed rules and their cases have been reviewed only after the Administrative Board reassembles in the fall.
This year the Board decided to make its action on all November records effective on November 23, and the same plan was followed at mid-years and April, and will be carried out in June. The purpose of the scheme has been to prevent differences in the length of the period during which men are disciplined as a result of low grades. To carry out this system of "Quarter Days" June 29 has been fixed as the day on which the Administrative Board will consider all final record cases and make effective its rulings.
The College Office has emphasized that to make the scheme effective, it will be necessary to have the cooperation of all students, who feel that their standing in the final examinations in unsatisfactory. It has pointed out that any student who is in doubt as to his standing at the end of the year should see the Assistant Dean in charge of his class and make sure that the Assistant Dean is acquainted with any facts which would help the Administrative Board in coming to a decision. It has also signified that it is anxious to notify immediately students who leave their addresses behind and who are willing to pay the expense of a telegram. For men who are not too far away from Cambridge this notice would enable them to come to Cambridge between the time on which the results are known, namely, the evening of June 26, and the meeting of the Administrative Board three days later.
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