Enthusiasm and party spirit ran high as the Republican Club of Harvard held its annual dinner in the Union last evening.
J. N. Hamlin '23, chairman of the Club, acted as toastmaster. W. E. Stearns '23, secretary-treasurer, gave a short history of the club since its founding in 1920, and H. C. Lodge '24, chairman-elect for next year, told of future aims of the club and more especially its plans for next year relating to the securing of a larger membership, more speakers of prominence, and a firmer and more influential hold on the college.
Professor A. N. Holcombe '06 spoke next and declared that he believed the partisan system, and especially the bi-partisan system of government not only good but necessary and the only one conceivable by which we could make our present institutions function". He warned on the other hand, against an over-emphasis on party and party spirit, and stressed the need of psychology and a thorough understanding of human nature among legislators.
Rogers Recounts Accomplishments
Hon. J. J. Rogers '04, the chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Relations, explained and defended the policies of the present administration which he characterized as "experimenting with many forward-looking plans whose exact value and worth only the future will tell". He outlined the present protective tariff which he said was deriving for the country the benefits of protection in addition to vast revenue although the rates were extremely low. The Budget he declared was "putting business into government" and perhaps saving the country as much as a million dollars a day. The present immigration law he heartily praised on the ground that at last the country was securing a higher degree of selection in the immigration and was only getting such a number of immigrants as it could easily digest.
Hon. L. A. Coolidge '83, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, the final speaker of the evening, declared in part that "in the last 20 years we have been drifting from our moorings. And many are forgetting the Constitution and its purpose. We have been concentrating too much in Washington. It is up to us to see that we continue to be a Federal Union. The country is yet young and it will be years before this great experiment of government of ours functions ideally. Consequently we must not yet sneer at the founders and fathers of the country. Give it a chance!"
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