The definite organization of a Harvard Committee of the League of Nations Non-Partisan Association was announced last night. The Committee is headed by an Executive Council of eight undergraduate and two graduate students, and an Advisory Council of three Faculty members. It will probably be included as a branch of the College Division of the Association, the details concerning which are to be published later this week.
At the first meeting of the Harvard Committee tomorrow night at 7.15 o'clock in the Trophy Room of the Union, Professor A. N. Holcombe '06 will be the chief speaker. His subject will be "College Men and the League" and he will show the Part College men can take in bringing about the entrance of the United States into the League.
The Non-Partisan Association, in simple terms, aims to cultivate such a public opinion as will induce the present administration or if not this, the next one, to enter the League of Nations either with or without reservations. The membership in the University branch of this organization has already reached about 100, and more will be enrolled at the meeting tomorrow night. A membership fee of one dollar will cover dues for the remainder of the college course and will include subscription to a Bulletin which will be sent every two weeks. Plans are being laid for greater activity in the form of dinners and special speeches next fall. The Executive and Advisory Councils are as follows:
George Pierce Baker Jr. '25 of Cambridge; Gardner Cowles Jr. '25 of Des Moines, Ia.; Charles Denby Jr. 1L. of Washington, D. C.; Charles William Eliot 2nd 3S.L.A. of Cambridge; Richard Hinckley Field '26 of Phillips, Me.; Corliss Lamont '24 of Englewood, N. J.; Garrison Norton '23 of New York, N. Y.; Karl Stade Pfaffmann '24 of Quincy; Franklin Samuel Pollak '23 of New York, N. Y.; Frederick August Otto Schwarz of Greenwich, Conn.
Dean Charles Homer Haskins of Cambridge; Professor Manley Ottmer Hudson '10 Law of Cambridge; Professor George Grafton Wilson of Cambridge.
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