This evening at 7.30 o'clock in the Living Room of the Union, 150 students and guests of the University's unit of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps will attend a dinner in honor of Majors Robert Charles Frederick Goetz and Edwin Pearson Parker, who have been large3ly responsible for reviving and organizing the present University unit of the R. O. T. C. The two officers were recently notified by the War Department that they will be detailed elsewhere this summer, in accordance with the custom of the department to shift military officers to different stations every three or four years.
Major Goetz arrived at the University in the of 1919 to organize the unit and was later appointed Professor of Military Science and Tactics. Scarcely six months after the organization of the unit, in the fall of 1919, came Maor Parker, at present assistant professor in Military Science and Tactics. Major Goetz graduated from West Point in 1909 and has been connected with the army ever since; Major Parker entered the army in 1911, coming from civilian life.
In the after-dinner program, Professor J. L. Coolidge '95 of the Mathematics department will be toastmaster. Major General Andrey Brewster Commanding General of the First Corps Area, will be the leading speaker of the evening. Other speakers on the program are Major Robert Homans, who, acting for Chair man L. P. Marvin, will represent the Visiting Committee of the R. O. T. C. D. B. McCullom '23, who will talk on "What the R. O. T. C. is Today", and the two officers who are leaving.
History of the R. O. T. C.
The present R. O. T. C. unit was reorganized in 1919 the former unit having been discontinued at the close of the war, out courses were not given until the following year, 1919-20. All equitation at this time was done in the Commonwealth Armory until Major Goets succeeded in having the stables on Soldiers Field built, and having the entire organization centralized. The United States has lent nearly $1,000.000 in equipment to the unit in 1919, 100 men took courses in the department; today this number has become 300. The R. O. T. C. unit has made possible a polo team for the University and has organized pistol-shooting as an undergraduate sport. These various achievements were all accomplished under the direction of Majors, Goets and Parker.
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