Having at last secured one of the highest priced teams in the country to represent them on the diamond, the members of the lampoon definitely decided at a late hour last night not to cancel their annual baseball game with the CRIMSON, to be held on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 3 o'clock. This new step brings to an end the many speculations brought about by the challenge which the lampoon, in a spirit of bravado that was soon after regretted, sent to the CRIMSON Saturday afternoon. The challenge reads as follows:
"The Harvard Lampoon, with the graciousness and condescension born of its longstanding victories over the CRIMSON's unclean hordes, and with the usual, useless request that said literary abortion and misconception--namely and to wit, CRIMSON--refrain from such misdemeanors as are punishable by law (expectorating on the floor, throwing lighted matches, cigarettes, or corncobs out of the car windows, riding on the platform, indulging in spirituous liquors in an immedicinal or ungentlemanly sort of way, or talking unnecessarily to the motorman) the Harvard Lampoon does, under all foregoing and said conditions, challenge the Harvard CRIMSON to its annual baseball game on Wednesday. May the 16th (sixteenth) at 3.00 (three) o'clock in the afternoon and begs firstly that the CRIMSON will publish the score of the game only after said game has rightfully been played, thereby throwing tradition to the winds, and, secondly informing the CRIMSON that the Harvard Lampoon will accept no bribe for the misrepresentation of said score".
Upon since learning that the wearers of the CRIMSON had again decided to comply with a precedent of sixteen years and would probably defeat Lampy by the usual overwhelming score of 23-2 the spirits of the Ibis have become considerably dampened. Members of the lampoon, when interviewed by a CRIMOSN reporter last night, refused to divulge their line-up although it is rumored that Bob, pitching for the would be humorists, is one of the strongest potential scorers for he CRIMSON nine.
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