The Committee on the Silver Bay Student Conference has announced the reduction of the expenses for delegates wishing to attend the Conference to a little more than $40. This figure includes the railroad fare both ways, board, and the program fee. The University's quota for the Conference, June 14-22, has almost been reached, but there is still an opportunity for a limited number of men to apply at the Phillips Brooks House.
Besides the regular conferences, there will be chances for boating, swimming, hiking, tennis, baseball, and all other forms of summer sports. Attendance at the lectures and general discussion groups will not be compulsory.
The list of speakers who will attend the conference is an follows; Dr. R. E. Speer, Dr. H. S. Coffin, Mr. Raymond Robbins, Dr. Paul Harrison, Mr. Arthur Rugh, Mr. Bruce Curry Mr. Fred Eastman, Dr. A. H. Gray, Professor D. J. Fleming, Dr. H. E. Fosdick.
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