Rain discomfited tennis enthusiasts last Saturday by forcing the postponement of what will probably be the best match played this season on the Divinity courts, the University-Columbia battle. Although an effort was made to play off the match last Saturday on the indoor courts at Longwood, the match was finally postponed until this afternoon at 3 o'clock on the Divinity courts.
The matches scheduled for today are:
Singles at Divinity courts at 3.--W. W. Ingraham '25 vs. Anderson (C); Morris Duane '23 vs. Lang (C); G. C. Guild '23 vs. Emerson (C); Alden Briggs '25 vs. Marshall (C); K. S. Pfaffman '24 vs. Guiler (C); L. H. Bondi '25 vs. Weissbergor (C).
Doubles at 4.--Ingraham and Duane vs. Lang and Emerson; Guild and Pfaffman vs. Anderson and Marshall; Briggs and W. P. Dixon '25 vs. Guiler and Weissberger.
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