

Will Go to Red Top With Freshman Squad in June

As the result of a twelve weeks' competition William Conkling Ladd of Cleveland, O., has been appointed manager of the Freshman crew and Kenneth Dudley Mann of Millis assistant manager. The manager will go to Red Top in June with the Freshman crew while the assistant manager will take one of the preliminary trips. Both men will receive their numerals. Harold Kennedy Hunder of Fall River was appointed manager of the Freshman 150-pound crew. He will accompany his crew to New Haven and will receive the 150-pound crew insignia.

James Addison Halsted of Syracuse, N. Y., was appointed chairman of the Regatta Committee. He will be assisted in making preparations for the Invitation Regatta by the following members of the committee: James Henry Durgin of Haverhill, John Francis Ryan Jr. of New York, N. Y. and Donald Kimm Howard of Edgewood, Pa. All of these appointments are subject to the approval of the Student Council and the Athletic Committee.
