

Blue Yearlings Will Invade Stadium Tomorrow With Strong Team-- Crimson Entries Definitely Decided

This afternoon beginning at 3 o'clock, the annual spring open handicap meet will be run off in the Stadium. This event, which is one of the biggest features of the spring track season, has grown steadily each year, the number of men participating last year being well over 200. The events are open to all members of the University, whether or not they are members of the University or Freshman squads, and men may sign up for any of the contests at the field this afternoon before the meet begins.

The regular 15 events will be run off today, and in each of them handicaps will be awarded to contestants according to their experience and ability. The track management has made special efforts by this arrangement of handicaps to give all the competitors an equal opportunity to win the gold, silver, and bronze medals which the H. A. A. will award to the winners of the first three places in each event.

Freshmen Meet Yale Tomorrow

Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock the Freshman team will meet the Yale 1926 track athletes in the Stadium. The Crimson first-year men have been defeated twice this season, by Andover and Exeter, but should make a very good showing against the Blue squad, which was defeated last week by the Princeton Freshman in a meet which resulted in a score of 69 to 66.

The following Freshmen are entered for the meet:


100-Yard Dash.--R. G. Allen, L. C. Bohmrich, J. H. Broome, W. R. Chase, R. McC. English, and Pedro Sanchez

220-Yard Dash.--Bohmrich, R. C. Brooks, Broome, Chase, English, and Sanchez.

440-Yard Run.--Allen, Brooks, and Rogers.

880-Yard Run.--Allen, W. L. Tibbetts Jr., and J. N. Watters.

Mile Run.--F. W. Perkins, J. W. Perkins, Tibbetts, and Watters.

Two-Mile Run.--P. E. Anderson, LeB. R. Barker Jr., E. B. Boyce, H. R. Kobes, R. M. Parker, and D. LeB. Sweeney.

High Hurdles.--J. L. Combs., F. P. Kane, L. V. McMaster, and J. M. Potter.

Low Hurdles.--Allen, Combs, Kane, R. J. Learson Jr., and McMaster.

Shotput.--P. F. A. Altman, A. E. Bailey, M. A. Cheek Jr., and J. M. Potter.

Hammer Throw.--Altman, Bailey, P. E. Berglund, Edmund Burke, Cheek, and R. P. MacFadden.

Broad Jump.--Broome, F. W. Dorman, D. J. Quirk, Donald Spencer, and J. B. Vevnaglia.

High Jump.--J. H. Davgin, Charles Jenney Jr., W. D. Mogey, Spencer, and H. R. Warren.

Pole Vault.--J. L. Combs, L. O. Combs, and D. V. Sessions.

Javelin Throw.--M. M. Atwater, Cheek, Dorman, Kent Leavitt, Potter, and C. J. Rauh.

Discus Throw.--Altman, Berglund, Cheek, C. O. D. Iselin. A. L. Phaneuf, and Potter.
