

Andover, Exeter and Worcester Head List of Competitors--Many Individual Stars Scheduled to Take Part

Saturday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock the thirty-eighth annual H. A. A. interscholastic track meet will be held in the Stadium. Twenty schools, with more than 250 competitors, are entered in the various events. The Athletic Association will entertain the visitors at luncheon and dinner, the shield and cup being presented to the victorious team at the latter time. The shield becomes the permanent possession of the winning team, but the cup, which was donated by the University undergraduates in 1910, is held for one year by the winning school, and is then put up again for competition.

For the last two years, Andover teams have carried off the trophy, both times winning by a wide margin from Exeter and Worcester, the latter placing second and third. Again this year, Andover, with 40 entries, leads the schools in the number of competitors, Exeter coming next in order with 24. Worcester, Brockton High, Huntngton, and Lynn Classical High follow in regard to the size of their representation.

A large number of brilliant individual athletes are included among the various school delegations. Exeter, which last week defeated the Freshman team, has among others, O'Neill, who won the halfmile race last year, and who holds the interscholastic record for that distance along with Mr. W. J. Bingham.

Among the Andover entries are Borah in the dashes: Allen, a brother of the Freshman captain, in the quarter: and Hutchinson in the 220-yard dash.

Among the other outstanding athletes entered are Clauson and Miller of Worcester; Spinney, Loose, and Robinson of Huntington: Captain Clark of Hyde Park High: Moody and Moore of Medford: McKillep of English High, the present 1000-yard title holder; Rumpf of Commerce High: and Archoskia of Lynn Classical High.
