The University second baseball team goes into its fourth game of the season at 4 o'clock this afternoon on Soldiers Field with a record of two defeats and one tie. The seconds have had a week of strenuous practice, however, and should offer Huntington School some stiff opposition. In a five inning practice game yesterday with the regular University team, the seconds showed unexpected power by defeating the latter 4 to 1, scoring all their runs in the first inning.
The Crimson will be handicapped this afternoon, however, by the absence of Fitton, whose face was cut in the Dean Academy game. His place will be filled by Gardner, who has done some creditable work at third this year. Hoffman, who was also injured in the contest with Dean, dressed for practice yesterday, and may return to his position behind the bat some time during the afternoon.
Huntington enters the contest with almost an equally unsuccessful record behind them. Out of six games, it has been able to squeeze but two victories, from Milton and Allen-Chalmers. In the opening encounter of their season, they were defeated by the Crimson Freshmen, 9 to 1.
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