

Questions of Uniform Editorial Policy and System of News Exchange to Be Discussed--Seek Closer Organization

Representatives of college newspapers from all parts of the country will meet today in the Crimson Sanctum for the annual convention of the Intercollegiate Newspaper Association. The conference will have for its purpose the discussion of questions vital to university newspapers such as a uniform editorial policy, syndicated articles by prominent men, and a more uniformly satisfactory system for the exchange of intercollegiate news. But it will have besides this the object of improving its organization, so that it may widen its influence over college publications.

"The Association has great potential power. As it now stands, it is weak," declared H. N. Pratt '24, who is representing the business department of the Crimson at the conference. "The question before the convention this year is how to knit the organization closer together so that its inherent possibilities may be brought out and utilized to their full. To this end a policy of making advertising rates and commissions uniform and of establishing standards of cooperation between papers that are members of the association with the possibility of organizing a standing committee on business administration will be considered, with the ultimate end in view of placing the advantages of the college field before the advertising agencies and larger manufacturers".

Visitors to be Entertained

The program will begin at 9 o'clock with the registration of representatives at the Crimson Building, and at 10 o'clock a general meeting will be held, at which various special committees will be appointed. This will be followed by a luncheon at the Walker Memorial building, given by the Pi Delta Epsilon, the Intercollegiate journalistic fraternity of Technology. In the afternoon, the Convention will be split into two bodies to discuss news and business actvities. After a dinner at the Engineers' Club, at which Dean Lobdell of M. I. T., Mr. Clans, in charge of intercollegiate news at the Boston Transcript, Dean Little, former president of the Crimson, and Paul Hollister, former business manager of the Crimson, will speak, the delegates will be taken through the Boston Herald building.

The papers that will be represented are: The Amherst Student, the Colgate Maroon, the Middlebury Campus, the Daily Princetonian, the Pennsylvanian, the Williams Record, the Yale Daily News, the Beacon of Rhode Island State College, the Brown Daily Herald, the Wesleyan Argus, the Dartmouth, the Penn State Collegian, the Cornell Daily Sun, and the Tech.


The officers who have been elected for the present year are: President, W. G. Peirce Jr., General Manager of the Tech: vice-president, O. P. Williams, Editor-in-chief of the Cornell Daily Sun; secretary-treasurer, H. N. Pratt '24, Advertising Manager of the Crimson.
