

Driscoll and Dudley in 440 Dash and Connolly in Mile Will Be Feature Contests--Will Be Fifteen Events

At a meeting of the track advisory committee last night, further plans were laid for the invitation handicap meet which will be held on June 9 at Soldiers Field under the auspices of the H. A. A. Invitations have been sent to clubs and colleges all over the country, asking them to send as many men as possible to participate in the handicaps which will consist of the regular 15 events, including the discus and javelin.

Two special events have also been arranged, in which several well-known stars will run. In the quarter-mile, Woodring of Syracuse, Koppisch of Columbia. Driscoll of the B. A. A., the National quarter-mile champion, and Dudley, captain of the B. A. A. team, will all take part. The H. A. A. will probably add more entries to this event by inviting two more men, not yet decided upon, to compete.

In the mile run, which is planned as the other feature event of the meet, Connolly is so far slated as the chief possible contestant, although it has not yet been determined whether or not he will be able to compete on account of other engagements.
