At 8 o'clock tonight in the Harvard Club of Boston there will be a meeting to arrange the details of the open handicap meet which will be held in the Stadium on June 9. The particular questions which will be discussed tonight are those concerning the number and character of the special events which will be run off, and the men who will be invited to take part in these events. All the other contests of the meet, except those invitation events which will be arranged for tonight, will be open to any registered Amateur Athletic Union athlete.
At tonight's meeting Mr. W. A. Barron '14, chairman of the Track Advisory Committee will preside. The other men who will take part in the discussion are Mr. F. W. Moore '93; Coaches Martin and Farrell; Manager Chandler; and the members of the Advisory Committee, Mr. H. S. Grew '96, Mr. F. W. Garcelon, Law '95, Mr. R. C. Floyd '11, Mr. R. C. Foster '11, Mr. W. J. Bingham '16, and Mr. A. T. Lyman '16.
The spring track meet, which is held each year under the auspices of the H. A. A., will take place in the Stadium tomorrow afternoon beginning at 3.30 o'clock. There will be in tomorrow's meet 15 events in each of which the H. A. A. will award gold, silver, and bronze medals to the winners of first, second, and third places, respectively. As handicaps will be awarded to the entrants in every event, inexperienced men will have a good opportunity to win medals. Bluebooks in which any member of the University who wishes to compete may sign, have been placed in the Locker Building, the H. A. A., the Freshman Dormitories, and Leavitt and Peirce's.
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