

Open to Public Without Charge--Program Includes Most Popular Spring Trip Pieces--Folk Songs Add Variety

One hundred members of the University Glee Club will sing this evening at 8 o'clock in the club's annual concert in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. The concert is open to the public without charge, and because of the large number of men participating and the excellent acoustics of the hall, it should be one of the most successful of the season.

The program gives promise of additional attraction inasmuch as many of the numbers are those which were most successful on the spring trip. There are several folk songs on the program. V. G. Thomson ocC., who conducted at the first Yard Concert, will also conduct this evening.

The Museum of Fine Arts may be reached by taking a Huntington Avenue car from the Park Street Station. The car stops at the museum.

The following is the program: Adoramus Te  Palestrina Cherubic Hymn  Tschenokov Arise, O Ye Servants of God  Swerlinck Tenebrae Factae Sunt  Palestrina Bedouin Song  Foote Russian Folk Songs Song of the Lifeboat Men  (James E. Mitchell 1L.) Fireflies At Father's Door Adieu, Sweet Amarillis  Wilbye Fire, Fire, My Heart  Morley Three Folk Songs Bonnie Dundee (Scottish) Lament for Owen Roe O'Neill (Irish)  (James R. Haughton 1G.) The Hundred Pipers (Scottish) Dirge for Two Veterans  Holst Cum Sancto Spiritu; from the Mass in B minor  Bach
