

Men in Field Events Will Also Compete to Determine Grouping of Squad--Former Penn State Star Helps Martin

This afternoon at 2.30 o'clock the runners on the University track squad will have some informal time trials under the direction of Coach Martin, while in several of the field events the candidates will also have some competitions. The contests this afternoon are largely to determine the strength of the members of the squad so that the coaches will have some basis on which to form the two groups, into which the squad will be divided during the spring season. These two teams will have frequent meets during the track season, the first of them coming some time next week.

Additional candidates for both University and Freshman teams have been reporting each day this week, and the total of the entire squad is now about 240. Although this is a large increase over the number which came out for the initial practice, the coaches still want more men, especially for the Freshman squad.

Yesterday afternoon the distance men were coached by L. H. Shields, the former Penn State star. Shields, who was developed by Coach Martin while he was at Penn State, won the intercollegiate championship in the mile in 1921 and 1922, his best time for this distance being 4 minutes 18 4-10 seconds. The candidates for the mile and two-mile events gained much from the work of Shields, who put on a track suit and worked out with the men whom he was instructing.
