


Speeches by Dr. W. S. Thayer '85, President Lowell, and Admiral W. S. Benson, U. S. N. retired, will feature the program which the Union will present throughout the month of April. During the spring racess the Union will be open as usual, except that the restaurant will be entirely on an a la carte basis.

The talks by Dr. Thayer and President Lowell, which will be open to all members of the University, will be the final speeches in the series which the Union, has been holding to assist undergraduates in the choice of a vocation. On Monday night Dr. Thayer, who is the physical-in-chief of the Johns Hopkins Hospital and a member of the Board of Overseers of the University, will speak on "Medicine and Surgery as a Career". During the war Dr. Thayer held the rank of Brigadire General in the Medical Service and was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal. The talk by President Lowen, which will be on Tuesday night, will summarize the speeches which have preceded it, and emphasize the relation of a liberal education to a career.

Admiral Benson's speech, to which only members of the Union will be admitted, will be given on Tuesday, April 24, its general subject being the American Navy. Before 1919, when he retired, and during the war, Admiral Benson was Chief of Naval Operations; he is now chairman of the United States Shipping Board.

May Secure Dance Tickets April 30

Preliminary plans have been announced for a formal dance to be held in the Union on May 11, to take the place of one which had been scheduled for February but was then postponed. Music for the dance, which will last from 9.30 to 2 o'clock, will be furnished by Mr. Bert Lowe, and tickets, the number of which will be limited to 500, may be secured by members of the Union beginning April 30 from the Graduate Manager's office at $4.00 for a couple and $3.00 for single admission.


Today the Union will send out to its members the bulletin for April, as well as the ballots to be used in the election of the new members of the undergraduate committee.
