
Prominent Men Will Be Speakers At Annual Spring Banquet of Business School Club in Union Tonight

Tonight at 6.45 o'clock in the Union, the Business School Club will reach the climax of its season's program with its annual spring banquet. The gathering this year, which will be the largest that the club has ever had, 375 tickets having been sold, will be more than the usual students' dinner because it will include the Business School Faculty and alumni of the school from Boston and New York.

Professor J. B. Callan of the Business School, who will be introduced by W. L. Barrie 2G.B., president of the club, will act as the toastmaster of the banquet. The first speaker on the program will be President Lowell, who will be followed by Dean Donham of the Business School. Mr. T. W. Slocum '90, an Overseer of the University from 1914 to 1920, who is a banker in New York City, will be the third man to talk. The next speech will be given by Mr. E. F. Gray G. 1-3, the assistant treasurer of the Ludlow Manufacturing Company of Boston, who will talk as the representative of the alumni. Mr. L. K. Liggett, the president of the United Drug Company, will deliver the principal address of the evening.

During the banquet music will be furnished by the club orchestra, and several specialty acts will be given by Howard Elliott Jr. 1G.B.
