

Ten More Men Leave Cambridge to Enter Today's Events -- Hauers Will Run Hurdles

PHILADELPHIA, PENN., April 27.--Merrill, Chapin, Fletcher and Captain Burke running the sprint medley relay distance for the University this afternoon in the Penn Relays, placed fourth in this feature event, trailing Oxford, the Navy, and Georgetown, but leading such strong teams as Syracuse, Princeton, Penn State and Cornell. The time for the race was 3 minutes 33 1-5 seconds. Contrary to previous plans, this same team will represent the University tomorrow in the 880-yard relay race, each man running 220 yards. Marshall, the only other Crimson competitor in today's events placed fourth in the hammer throw with the distance of 137 feet.

Ten more University track men left yesterday afternoon for Philadelphia where they will participate in today's program. Among the track events the Crimson will be represented in the high hurdles by Hauers, the intercollegiate champion, and in the one mile Freshman relay race by the championship combination of Broome, Brooks, Kane, and Allen. In the field events today five members of the track team will compete: Eastman in the shot put, Greenidge and Leck in the javelin throw, and Carpenter and Miller in the discus throw.
