

Three Trial Races Scheduled in Basin This Afternoon

The 1926 four-oared boats will open the spring crew season with two races against Exeter this afternoon at Exeter.

The crews will be boated as follows:

Crew A.--Bow, C. F. Walcott; 2, F. U. Stearns; 3, L. G. Knowles; stroke, H. T. Fisher; coxswain, E. A. Harding.

Crew B.--Bow, J. B. Corning; 2, A. D. Phillips; 3, J. J. Corn Jr.; stroke, G. E. Smith: coxswain, Atherton Noyes Jr.

In addition to the scheduled race at Exeter three trial races will be held in the Charles Basin this afternoon. At 2 o'clock University C will face the Union Boat Club while at 3.15 o'clock the Freshman White, Blue, and Black boats will race. The climax to the afternoon trials will be the University A-Freshman A race at 5 o'clock. The races will all be over the mile and seven-eighths course and the Junior University will row through the last mile of the final race against the University and 1926 first crews.
