

Leagues,--unions,--associations appear to control the destiny of everyone from the wealthiest plumber to the most brow-beaten President. So one is not surprised to find the Liberal Clubs of the world banded together in a Forum for self-defense and effectiveness. Furthermore, their coming "Symposium" is another of the "conferences" which grow more and more popular--where everyone brings forth his grievance and draws comfort from the troubles of the rest.

If the representatives can limit the destructive criticism, which lately has gained such a glorified position, to the necessary minimum, the threshing out of student problems may be accomplished. The exchange of opinion; the diversity of conditions presented, and the progressive attitude will benefit everyone at the Conference. Whether a sufficiently constructive program can be devised remains to be seen. Certainly the morbid, disillusioned point of view that is making itself obnoxious at several colleges will produce little but more discontent.

Still, the "Symposium", like the Intercollegiate and Silver bay conferences, is as Pres. Harding would say "a step in the right direction", and every encouragement should be offered those who have the initiative and courage to try to remedy an unsatisfactory situation. Educational methods are acknowledged to be far from perfect; and any improvements which students can suggest will be received eagerly by everyone, and not least of all by the muchabused faculties.
