

Merrill, Chapin, Fletcher and Burke Will Represent University-Oxford-Cambridge Team Entered in Two-Mile

Fifteen men have been chosen by Coach Martin to compete for the University in the Pennsylvania Relays which will be held on Friday and Saturday. This is the largest squad which has ever represented the Crimson in this annual meeting, and this year is the first in several that any track event men have made the trip, the University entries for the last few seasons having been confined to the field events. The meet will again this year be an international event, since an Oxford-Cambridge team will compete in a two-mile relay race.

A University team will take part in the spring medley relay race, which is composed of one 440-yard, two 220-yard, and one 880-yard legs, the Crimson entrants being, in the order in which they will run, J. E. Merrill '24, Vinton Chapin '23, Jefferson Fletcher '25, and Captain J. W. Burke '23. In the 120-yard high hurdles, the University representative will be C. R. Hauers '23, who won that event in last spring's intercollegiates. The championship Freshman relay team will compete in a one mile relay. This team will consist of J. H. Broome, R. L. Brooks, F. P. Kane, and R. G. Allen.

Two Entrants in Javelin Throw

Two Crimson entrants will compete in the javelin throw. These are R. M. C. Greenidge 3E.S., who won the event against Yale last year, and S. W. Leck 4E.S. In the discus throw, the University participants will be C. C. Carpenter '24 and W. V. Miller '23, who placed third in the intercollegiates last spring. C. A. C. Eastman '24, who has been making some long heaves this winter, is the sole University entrant in the shotput, while the only Crimson representative in the hammer throw will be L. K. Marshall 5E.S.

On Friday the University relay race will be run and the hammer event will be contested, the men in these events leaving, with Coach Martin and Manager C. V. Chandler '23, on Thursday. The other events will take place on Saturday, and the men participating in them will not leave until Friday. On Friday night there will be a meeting in Philadelphia of the executive committee of the I.C.A.A.A.A., at which Chandler will represent the University.


During the vacation the coaches put the track squad through several stiff work-outs, and some very favorable results were obtained from the intensive drill. Although only 21 men were definitely requested to practice during the recess, all the track men who remained near Cambridge took advantage of the opportunity for exercise under the direction of the coaches, and more than 50 men reported each day during the week.
