

Dr. A. Herbert Gray of Glasgow Will Conduct "Institute on Christian Fundamentals" at P. B. H. After Recess

An Institute on Christian Fundamentals" will be conducted at the Phillips Brooks House on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings, April 23, 24, and 26, from 7 to 8 o'clock by the Reverend A. Herbert Gray D.D. of Glasgow, Scotland. Dr. Gray, who was during the war a well known chaplain in the British army, is touring this country speaking to students on such subjects as "What's the Good of Religion?", "What are the Fundamentals of Religion?", and "The Secret of Power".

The first lecture on Monday evening, April 23, the first day after the Spring Recess, will be held in Phillips Brooks House from 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening. These talks will be simple, straight-forward discussions of religious problems by Dr. Gray, followed by any question by any member of the University who may be present.

Educated in Edinburgh University

Dr. Gray, educated in Edinburgh University and in New College, Edinburgh, has had charge of churches in Manchester, Glasgow, and other large cities. At the outbreak of the war, he became a chaplain in the British Army, after which he began to speak to college students, a course which he has pursued for three years.

The Committee on Henry Gray Meetings of Phillips Brooks House is composed of the following men: R. H. Sears '24, W. E. Crosby '24, P. E. Wilson '23, J. R. Flather '23, W. C. Bennett '23, B. H. Burnham '24, Sterling Dow '25, K. I. Brown 5G., and L. H. R. Haas Gr.T.S.
