

Freshman Team Will Encounter Schoolboys at 4 o'Clock Today on Soldiers Field in First Game of Year

HARVARD 1926  HUNTINGTON Knowlton, 2b.  3b., Waterman McGlone, s.s.  c.f., Gray Slayton, 3b.  s.s., Fulton Todd, l.f.  2b., Norris Field, 1b.  l.f., Kerr Burton, c.f.  r.f., Clemmons Allen, Pratt, r.f.  1b., Albianin Maher, c.  c., Radcliffe Casto, Nash, Puffer or, Mosely, p.  p., Underwood

The opening game of the Freshman baseball season will be played at 4 o'clock today when the Huntington School nine meets the Freshman team on Soldiers Field.

Coach Davidson has developeed an exceptionally fast infield composed of R. H. Field at the initial sack, a former Exeter player; J. E. Knowlton, captain of last year's Middlesex team of which H. E. Slayton, the third-sacker, was a member; and J. C. McGlone, for three years a shortstop at Exeter.

Many battery combinations have been tried by Coach Davidson in order to select the best duet and providing that most of the batters on the Huntington nine are right handed, D. G. Casto, a left-handed twirler, is likely to start the contest. Casto's previous experience consists of three years' mound work for Roxbury Latin. F. K. Nash, R. W. Puffer Jr. and P. E. Mosely are other pitching candidates who may be called upon for part of the game.

The Huntington team will also open its season today, but with only four veterans on the nine. It has had two weeks of outside practice and over two weeks of cage work. The main strength of the team lies in Captain Huntington, who pitched for his team in the majority of its 13 victories in 15 scheduled games last year. The 1925 Freshman nine defeated Huntington 8-3.
