Apparently, being a medium is not as easy as some people think. The profession is, in fact, so difficult, and is becoming so crowded with incompetent, ignorant mediums that the Illinois Spiritualist Association is going to establish a college which will raise the standards.
A thorough-going three-year course will be necessary to train the future mediums; one can imagine the high-sounding titles of "Ectoplasm 56" or "Photography A" or "Ventroliquistics 10". The entrance requirements are designed to develop that democratic student body appropriate to such a science--anyone with a grade-school education is eligible. And at the end, the successful scholars receive certificates proving that they are certified mediums. This is expected to put the "fake" mediums completely out of business;--a step of public benevolence on the part of the Association.
Another improvement is the establishing of a home for Aged Mediums. It seems that mediums age very quickly. The work undoubtedly is of an exhausting nature; constant communication with the "outside" results in premature baldness, loss of appetite and general decline. The profession might even die out under such adverse conditions if the prospective mediums were offered no inducements. At any rate, it is exceedingly thoughtful of the Association to provide for the graduates of its college. Would that all professional schools could do as much.
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