

Six Men Will Take Part Tomorrow and Friday in Annual Intercollegiate Meet With Nine Other Colleges

The University fencing team will leave tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock for New York to attend the intercollegiate tournament at the Hotel Astor tomorrow and Friday. It is the biggest team in years, as six men and Coach Danguy will take the trip, there being four foilsmen and two duelling swordsmen. In the foils, E. H. Lane '24, captain, E. L. Lane '24, R. Fleer '24, and J. S. Sharp '24 will represent the University, while J. K. Watson '24, manager, and C. J. Shearn Jr. '23 will comprise the duelling squad. According to schedule, the foils matches will be held tomorrow night and all day Friday, while the duelling contests will take place tomorrow afternoon, the finals being arranged for Friday night.

By a new arrangement introduced this year the teams from the various colleges will be divided into two strips, two teams from each strip qualifying for the finals by touches. Up to this time, qualification for the finals has been determined by fouls and a round-robin. This is considered the most important fencing event of the year, as nine other eastern colleges are entered in the lists: they are: Army, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Hamilton, Navy, Technology, University of Pennsylvania and Yale. The Army and Navy are generally considered the favorites

The Clemens Medal Novice Tournament will be held tomorrow morning at the Hotel Astor
