


"When you return here, I am apt to think that you will find something better to do than to run to Mr. Osborne's at Gray's Inn to pick up scarce books. Buy cod books, and read them; the best bocks are the commonest, and the last editions are always the best, if the editors are not blockheads; for they may profit by the former. But take care not to understand editions and title-pages too well. It always smells of pedantry and not always of learning. What curious books I have, they are indeed but few they shall be at your service. I have some of the Old Collana, and the Macchiavel of 1550. Beware of Biblomania." --Chesterfield.

Others of Chesterfield's letters, which were written to his son, chiefly during the years in which the latter was being educated, are of even greater interest to the average college type of intelligence. Chesterfield had advice to give which was a peculiar mixture of sound morality and worldly sense, and it seems to us that he wrote and thought in very much the same key as the ordinary American of college age today. What, for example, could be more typical than the advice not to understand title-pages too well, lest it smell pedantry?

To thoroughly please the public once seems to almost insure the sale of an author's writings past, present and fuure. To wit. A. S. M. Hutchinson.

Another example is Raphael Sabatini. The success of "Seara Mouche" sold most of the copies of "Captain Blood", led to reprint of "The Snare", and will considerably hoost the sale of "The Sea Hawk" which was scheduled to appear this week. Houghton Miffin are the publishers.

The third volume of the Memoirs of the Harvard Dead in the War Against Germany has recently been published by the Harvard University Press. It will receive much fuller and more adequate comment in these columna at a later date, but in the meantime it seems that notice should not be emitted concerning what seems the high point of the book from a literary point of view. This is the letter to Robert Moras Love it from Maude Radford Warren giving some details of the heroie death of the former's son. In these days, even five years after the war, it is a remarkable bit of writing, narrative or any other kind, which can stir the average war-jaded mind, and this is exactly what the letter with its simplicity and almost matter-of-factness can do..
