

Captures Two of Three Section Series and Finishes Second in Other in Interdormitory Basketball Series--Standish Has Total of 22 Points

With the end of the 1926 Interdormitory basketball championship series yesterday, the Standish teams broke the three-cornered tie in the Freshman dormitory winter sports competitions by capturing two of the three section series and finishing second in the other.

The final score is as follows: 2 o'Clock Section     Won  Lost  Points Standish,  8  4  5 Gore,  6  4  3 Smith,  3  9  1 3 o'Clock Section     Won  Lost  Points Standish,  10  2  5 Gore,  5  6  3 Smith,  3  10  1 4 o'Clock Section     Won  Lost  Points Smith,  9  1  5 Standish,  4  6  3 Gore,  2  8  1

The final rating in basketball is Standish 13, Gore 7, and Smith 7. As the three dormitories were formerly tied with 9 points apiece in the winter sports competition, the results of the basketball series gives Standish a grand total of 22 points, with Gore and Smith tied at 16.

S. H. Brockunier '26 of the 4 o'clock section Smith team leads the scoring with 114 points or an average of almost six baskets a game. Second and third places are held by R. W. Ells '26 and William Brooks '26, both of the 3 o'clock Gore team, with 87 and 86 points respectively. Other leaders in the 3 o'clock section are F. T. Hord '26, 83 points, of the Smith team; Israel Klein '26, 78 points. T. R. Wickersham '26, 63 points, and J. S. Grimes '26, 59 points, all of the Standish team.

In the 4 o'clock division Edwin Vielda '26, Smith, Arthur Sturgis '26, Smith, and F. W. Fay '26, Gore, follow Brockunier with 56, 50, and 49 points respectively.


The 2 o'clock section is lead by Bernard Bandler '26 of Standish, 78 points, with P. H. Richardson '26, Gore, second with 49.
