

Meet Next Thursday to Include Relay Between Pole Vaulters and Weight Event Men--Novice Races Planned--Other Events Open to College

The events which will comprise the annual winter track carnival of the University next Thursday were announced today. Except for the novice events and the special relay races, the meet is open to all members of the College who wish to compete. Blue-books will be posted tomorrow in Leavitt and Peirce's, the Union, the Locker Building, the H. A. A., and the Freshman dormitories, and all men who wish to participate are requested to sign in one of these books as soon as possible.

A new feature will be added to the carnival this year in the relay race between the pole vaulters and the weight event men. The races for novices will be open only to those runners who have never won a track medal in college.

Coach Martin has not yet definitely decided who will go to Philadelphia Saturday night to represent the University in the Meadowbrook Club meet. It is expected that the squad will be definitely announced today.

Coach Mikkola, who has been working with a large squad of javelin throwers this winter, will have an informal competition this afternoon at 2.15 o'clock, with both the University and Freshman candidates taking part.

The events for the carnival on March 15 are:


Track Events, 40-yard dash, novice; 600-yard run, novice; 40-yard dash, handicap; 300-yard run, handicap; 600-yard run, handicap; 1-mile run, handicap; 45-yard high hurdles; publication relay race, interclass relay race, managers' relay race, pole vaulters and weight event men relay race.

Field Events. High jump, broad jump, shot put, 35-pound weight throw, pole vault, discus, javelin.
