

Numerous undergraduates interested in social service have viewed with delight the new branch of this philanthropy that has recently found its origin in New York. Strangers to the "big city,"--lonely, desirous of human companionship--have only to use the telephone to secure a charming feminine partner who will be eager to give the wanderer an evening of "wholesome pleasure." A gentlemen's preferences as to color, age, and figure are given careful attention by those in charge of allotting the girls; all that is required of the man in the case in a payment of ten dollars at the Central Office and the collection of his order. Then all New York is his oyster to be opened for the pleasure of his partner and himself.

The cost of the evening's pleasure is a matter purely optional with the man; of course his original outlay of ten dollars may be greatly augmented by dinner, theatre, and dance, or the "first cost practically the last" if he deems himself a conversationalist of sufficient ability to make an evening of movies attractive. The social worker actuated entirely by charitable motives will of course govern her preferences by her escort's pocket-book; and, after seeing everything in New York in the service of mankind will be a most capable "What's what in New York", able to suggest those amusements equally suited to his disposition.

But lest the "School for Scandal" breathe secret insinuations, all these social service workers are provided with the best references, have signed promises to absain "Teetotally" from liquor or sentimentality, and are pledged to report any violations of the rules. The slightest disparagement is enough to disqualify any worker from further service. Everything is highly proper.

Every year hundreds of lonely students come to the University; yet no adequate means exist to provide for these unfortunates. The Phillips Brooks House has persistently disregarded its opportunity for extending its social service work in this direction,--a step which would be received with great acclaim by members of the University, lonely or not. With such a department a working unit in the University it is easily conceivable that the cry for "one three-minute 'aig'" will give place to the more romantic "one eighteen-year blonde."
