

Freshmen Defeat Exeter by 36-28 Score--Lead Their Opponents From Start--Smith Gets Four Goals and Ten Out of 16 Free Throws

By a score of 36-28 the Freshman basketball team defeated Exeter Saturday afternoon in the Freshman gymnasium in a fast but loosely played game. Smith of the Freshmen and Swede of Exeter led the scoring, Smith getting four goals and ten our of 16 free throws and Swede five goals and five out of seven free throws.

The Freshmen led their opponents from the start and the score at the end of the first half stood 21-11. In the second half two men were placed on Smith, and succeeded in preventing him from scoring further, but this gave an opportunity to the guards and both Maher and Combs took advantage of it.

The summary: HARVARD  EXETER Jones, r.f.  l.g., Colman Smith, l.f.  r.g., Charlesworth, Merrill J. Reed, Rauh, J. Reed, Rauh, c.  c., Herzberg, Eddy, Herzberg Maher, Elberfeld, r.g.  r.f., Swede Combs, A. Reed, Atwater, l.g.  l.f., Reynolds, Gore

Score, Harvard '26 36, Exeter 28. Goals from floor, Jones 4, Smith 4, Rauh 2, Maher 2, Combs, Swede 5, Reynolds, Gore, Colman. Goals from fouls, Smith 10, Reynolds 7, Swede 5. Referee, M. W. Souders.
